Friday, September 25, 2009


It made me cry while I'm listening to this song, thinking of the person that I love. The meaning of the lyrics makes me to cry a liter of tears.

Each one of the words
you nonchalantly speak
to me are all
a very precious treasure

But even I find that
so surely if you knew this
you would laugh

Wanting to see you, wanting to see you
or at least to listen to your voice
So without having any reason, I call you

Just by you being there
my heart becomes so warm
And my wish
is only one
Is it ok if I keep
loving you this way?

You have someone special already
I've known that for a while
because your smile is shining so

It is painful, so painful
and my chest feels crushed but
It is certainly there

Just by thinking about you
my heart finds a reason to live
so it's not like I'm expecting something
just to know if it is ok
if I stay this person you admire?

Wanting to see you, wanting to see you
or at least to listen to your voice
So without having any reason, I call you

Just by you being there
my heart becomes really warm
My wish is only one
please let me keep loving you

Just by thinking about you
my heart finds a reason to live
so it's not like I'm expecting something
just to know if it is ok
if I stay loving you like this?